• Exit Strategy

    100% of business owners will exit their businesses; most will not be prepared. It’s never too early to start planning your exit strategy. We recommend positioning yourself and your business for a smooth exit from the very beginning. Whether you intend to exit in one year or fifty years, it’s important to …

  • Mindset

    Simply put, mindset is everything. Imagine your employees as a rowing team; think of each crew members’ mindset as the direction his or her oars are moving. A healthy mindset is something that happens beneath the surface, but it plays an integral role in the outcome. As certified hypnotists and practitioners …

  • Time

    Why spend 60 hours in the office when you can spend 20 hours in the office and 20 hours on the boat? The simple truth is that most business owners spend more time working than they want to. Time is an especially limited commodity for busy professionals. We will show you …

  • Money

    In an ideal world, you would have endless reserves of time, money, and talent. But we must live and work in reality, where money and time are finite commodities. In our experience, the vast majority of business issues are the result of one of the following: lack of time, lack of …

  • Team and Training

    It’s undeniable: People are important— really important. Instead of managing your team, manage your assets and lead your team. Each of your employees has a unique set of strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities. Recognizing and embracing these differences will help your business function at its highest capacity. We offer a variety of tests and tools, …

  • Systems and Operations

    Processes are the lifeblood of an organization. People move away, change roles, and have lives outside of work. But designing flawless, people-proof systems and operations can keep your business running smoothly even when unexpected hurdles rear their heads. Smooth systems and operations are the foundation of profitability that is sustainable, no …

  • Marketing and Sales

    The key to successful marketing is to know who you are, what you do, and why you do it. On its surface marketing may seem simple, but for many business owners, marketing is the single most challenging business issue. Effective marketing answers complex questions. Let us ask you the important questions …

  • Strategy and Planning

    You know what you want to do, but do you know how to do it? Our strategic plans help define your core values and beliefs, your purpose, your long-term targets, and your short-term goals. Both long-term and short-term strategic plans are essential to your business. Our long-term strategies are guided by …